

April 27, 2015


One of my researches is about quests. Quests in point and click adventure? Yes! But aren't quests in rpg games only? No:-) Each task Lensen does I call a quest. In principle I have four basic types of quests that I use. I explain it on the example - we need to open the door.


1. Dialogue (Lensen must speak with the guard to open the door)
2. Item (Lensen must find a button which opens the door)
3. Puzzle (Lensen must solve a Rubik's Cube, so the door will open)
4. The combination of the mentioned above (Lensen must speak to the guard who tells her to find the Rubik's Cube and solve it to open the door)

It's not so complicated, is it? Each quest must also have its inputs and outputs. Input can be understood as something that Lensen needs to complete the quest. Sometimes it may be necessary to complete one quest, for example, to successfully complete the another quest.


1. Location (it is always a must - surprisingly)
2. Item (pickable or nonpickable)
3. Character
4. Another quest completed
5. The combination of the mentioned above

After the completed quest there is an output - in example I used above (after successfully opening the door) the output is a new location. But the question is whether it is possible to solve the quest by more different inputs (independent to each other), or even whether it is possible to have multiple outputs (here I refer to the linearity / non-linearity, which I have also dealt with, and I'll tell you about that another time).


1. New location
2. New item (pickable or nonpickable), or new feature of the item
3. New character
4. New dialogue option
5. Opportunity to complete another quest
6. Nothing (?) :D
7. Uncovering of a part of the story (only)

Just in the last two points I refer to the fact whether all the quests have to be done to complete SUBSEQUENTED. Are there also side quests (optional) which, for example, reveal a part of the story, or help you gain valuable achievement? Yes, there are! And what, achievements in SUBSEQUENTED? Yes!

I think I've said enough so I leave something for the next time.
